[RFC] Expanding the RareDAO Vision

We have two live SIPs that are important components, outlined within this RFC, up for community voting.

At this time, the [SIP] Consolidate Branding of the Protocol and DAO - #12 by Brennan will not be up for voting due to the feedback received from the community.

:clap: We encourage everyone to please vote!

:point_right: [SIP-18][DAO Operations] Proposal to Compensate DAO Council Members

:spiral_calendar: Start Date: December 18 5:30PM ET
:stop_sign: End Date: December 25 5:30PM ET

:point_right: [SIP-19] Proposal to Establish an Annual Budget for the RareDAO Foundation

:spiral_calendar: Start Date: December 16 12PM ET
:stop_sign: End Date: December 23 12PM ET